Numbering Stamp S 226


ŠG: 24793

Numbering stamp S 226 is small self-inking numberer which generates 6 digit number, number height is 4 mm. Numbers are exchanged by manual mechanism. Extra symbols are: space, dash (-).

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Numbering stamp S 226

Small Colop Numbering Stamp S 226 imprints 6 digit numbers. This small reliable partner will serve you in your office, workshop or on the road. Year band is valid for 12 years. Positioning frame enables precise imprint.

Product characteristics

 – 23 x 4 mm, rectangular shape

 – 4 mm height of the numbers imprint

 – number format: 123456

 – extra symbols: blank space, dash (-)

 – product colour: blue

 – 6 imprint colours: black, blue, red, green, purple


 Perks of the product

 – inbuilt pillow for thousands of flawless prints

 – robust plastic casing

 – fast and simple number setting by use of the plastic wheels

 – high quality belt shaped vulcanised rubber enables precise imprint

 – indelible paper colours ensure quality imprint

 – high quality pillow quarantees longterm imprint

 – visible marks on the handle ensure precise imprint

 – pillow exchange after few thousands of imprints

 – free pillow exchange user manual comes with the stamp

 – pillow and engraved rubber quarantee

 – perfect imprints due to high quality materials

 – affordable self-inking dater with pillow pad

 – save yourself from longterm number writing with our numbering stamp – imprinting of numbers becomes a pleasure

Examples of use

Numbering stamp has 4 mm height of a number imprint. It is suitableis  for labeling raw materials before entering production cycles or for imprinting control numbers. Further more, companies use the numberin stamp for labeling the entrance of merchandise or archiving and product labeling. This stamp is a good alternative for wodden stamps and replacement for hand writting.

Further information

 – exchange pillow pad E/200

NOTE: The mechanism does NOT automatically change the numbers!

Order compact self-inking stamp Colop Numbering stamp S 226 affordably on our web site Why buy from us? We are the bigest supplier of stamp online, therefore we quarantee high quality, fast delivery and you get guarantee for our products. For orders above 500,00 kn delivery is free.


Additional information

Boja otiska pečata:

Black, Blue, Green, Red, White, Purple

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